54 research outputs found

    Single genomic enhancers drive experience-dependent GABAergic plasticity to maintain sensory processing in the adult cortex

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    Experience-dependent plasticity of synapses modulates information processing in neural circuits and is essential for cognitive functions. The genome, via non-coding enhancers, was proposed to control information processing and circuit plasticity by regulating experience-induced transcription of genes that modulate specific sets of synapses. To test this idea, we analyze here the cellular and circuit functions of the genomic mechanisms that control the experience-induced transcription of Igf1 (insulin-like growth factor 1) in vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) interneurons (INs) in the visual cortex of adult mice. We find that two sensory-induced enhancers selectively and cooperatively drive the activity-induced transcription of Igf1 to thereby promote GABAergic inputs onto VIP INs and to homeostatically control the ratio between excitation and inhibition (E/I ratio)-in turn, this restricts neural activity in VIP INs and principal excitatory neurons and maintains spatial frequency tuning. Thus, enhancer-mediated activity-induced transcription maintains sensory processing in the adult cortex via homeostatic modulation of E/I ratio

    Transcriptional Profiling of Human Brain Endothelial Cells Reveals Key Properties Crucial for Predictive In Vitro Blood-Brain Barrier Models

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    Brain microvascular endothelial cells (BEC) constitute the blood-brain barrier (BBB) which forms a dynamic interface between the blood and the central nervous system (CNS). This highly specialized interface restricts paracellular diffusion of fluids and solutes including chemicals, toxins and drugs from entering the brain. In this study we compared the transcriptome profiles of the human immortalized brain endothelial cell line hCMEC/D3 and human primary BEC. We identified transcriptional differences in immune response genes which are directly related to the immortalization procedure of the hCMEC/D3 cells. Interestingly, astrocytic co-culturing reduced cell adhesion and migration molecules in both BECs, which possibly could be related to regulation of immune surveillance of the CNS controlled by astrocytic cells within the neurovascular unit. By matching the transcriptome data from these two cell lines with published transcriptional data from freshly isolated mouse BECs, we discovered striking differences that could explain some of the limitations of using cultured BECs to study BBB properties. Key protein classes such as tight junction proteins, transporters and cell surface receptors show differing expression profiles. For example, the claudin-5, occludin and JAM2 expression is dramatically reduced in the two human BEC lines, which likely explains their low transcellular electric resistance and paracellular leakiness. In addition, the human BEC lines express low levels of unique brain endothelial transporters such as Glut1 and Pgp. Cell surface receptors such as LRP1, RAGE and the insulin receptor that are involved in receptor-mediated transport are also expressed at very low levels. Taken together, these data illustrate that BECs lose their unique protein expression pattern outside of their native environment and display a more generic endothelial cell phenotype. A collection of key genes that seems to be highly regulated by the local surroundings of BEC within the neurovascular unit are presented and discussed

    Supplementary Material for: Combined Treatment of an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Rat Model with Recombinant GOT1 and Oxaloacetic Acid: A Novel Neuroprotective Treatment

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    <b><i>Background/Aim:</i></b> The sporadic form of the disease affects the majority of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. The role of glutamate (Glu) excitotoxicity in ALS has been extensively documented and remains one of the prominent hypotheses of ALS pathogenesis. In light of this evidence, the availability of a method to remove excess Glu from brain and spinal cord extracellular fluids without the need to deliver drugs across the blood-brain barrier and with minimal or no adverse effects may provide a major therapeutic asset, which is the primary aim of this study. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> The therapeutic efficacy of the combined treatment with recombinant Glu-oxaloacetate-transaminase (rGOT) and its co-factor oxaloacetic acid (OxAc) has been tested in an animal model of sporadic ALS. <b><i>Results:</i></b> We found that OxAc/rGOT treatment provides significant neuroprotection to spinal cord motor neurons. It also slows down the development of motor weakness and prolongs survival. <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> In this study we bring evidence that the administration of Glu scavengers to rats with sporadic ALS inhibited the massive death of spinal cord motor neurons, slowed the onset of motor weakness and prolonged survival. This treatment may be of high clinical significance for the future treatment of chronic neurodegenerative diseases

    Characterization of alternatively spliced isoforms of AMPA receptor subunits encoding truncated receptors

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    Glutamate receptors of the [alpha]-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)-type play an important role in synaptic plasticity and contribute to cell death under excitotoxic conditions. AMPA receptors form heterotetramers of four homologous subunits (GluR1-4), which exist in two functionally different isoforms, flip and flop, generated by alternative splicing. We identified transcripts for alternatively spliced isoforms of AMPA receptor subunits which lack both the flip and the flop exons, in hippocampal and retinal cultures. These transcripts originate AMPA receptor subunits lacking the flip/flop cassette, the fourth transmembrane domain and the intracellular C-terminus. Truncated GluR1 associates with full-length GluR1 and exerts a dominant negative effect, giving rise to non-functional receptors. Moreover, truncated GluR1 reaches the cell surface, but is not efficiently targeted to the synapse. Hippocampal neuronal transfection with truncated GluR1 resulted in a significant reduction in apoptotic neuronal death triggered by toxic concentrations of glutamate. Furthermore, mRNA coding for the truncated subunits is consistently detected in some regions of the brain in epileptic rats and in hippocampal neurons submitted to toxic concentrations of glutamate. The existence of truncated AMPA receptor subunits may constitute an intrinsic neuroprotective mechanism.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6WNB-4PYP729-5/1/d6edd52e3e9022fd10b107a7f9e3bba
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